Monday, June 4, 2007

first offical post for the animation blog.

ok. so in this course im having trouble finding my feet and what i actually know and dont know. well its easy i dont know alot thus its hard for me to learn as there is soooo much going on and everyone seems like they know exactly what they are doing where as im just crusing along. 

so i have offically decided to get my arse into gear. i know its a bit late but as they say its better late than never! so now it is time for me to actually do things like create this blog for example. i know im either going to just pass or fail cause i have left everything so late.

i have chosen something to animate which i think will be different to what everyone else is doing. from those that have told me what they are doing they are more like stories where as i have a poem which i will animate. first year's normally animate to the poem as its a little bit easier. 

i plan to have a snapshot of what each line is saying.
the pictures will be hand drawn and probs just stay black and white.
i might put in a little colour later.
i want the pictures to seem like they are being drawn on and then show the final image. that probs makes no sense cause i dont know how to explain it that well but it makes sense in my brain!!!

i will get my friend erin to do the voice over. 
it will have very simple sound as its a simple poem.

and yes. thats about it.
so now i must go drawn some things so i can show andrew when i see him on tuesday....that is if i do

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